Free Email Course:
10 Social Media Techniques for Selling​

10 Lessons

You’ve heard it a lot of times. Use Social Media to get more customers. You’ll be doing sales in no time!

Then you find yourself with your Facebook account, a hundred friends and you don’t know where to start.

I get it, you need some tips to start rolling or you even have some followers but you’re not sure what to do to get sales.

In this 10 chapter course, I’ll teach you what you need to do and get sales in the mid-term.

Forget about making yourself rich in 2 days, you need to do some stuff and these tips are going to help you out if you’re committed.

This is a free course that only works if you TAKE ACTION, as usual. 

Level - All Levels

You don’t need to have any knowledge to use this course

Instant Start

Lessons start as soon as you confirm your email

Data gathering. Responsible: Jorge Vila Durá
Purpose: Send you content, training, services, offers.
Legitimation: Your consent.
Recipients: The data you provide will be located on Interdominios's servers in the EU. See Interdominios privacy policy.
Rights: Among others, right of access, rectification, limitation and deletion of data.


Explanations you will find inside

To start increasing your audience, add at least 20 friends/day to each one, or follow if you're allowed to.

Trust me, the way you show to your audience is the way they are going to value you.

So, where to get cool ideas for publishing? What if you're not used to write copy texts?

You will definitely need to know what your competitors are doing.

This is really important, something that hooks the user to your post. Extreme Adz offers a wide variety of eye-catching posts.

Don't waste time always promoting stuff. People always love free stuff.


Course Objectives & Outcomes


Straight to the point

Real ways that I use to get sales using Social Networks



Everything that’s out there and I use on a daily basis


Get the most of your time

Real tips and advice, no BS.


Updated info

You’ll get more emails when new ways come!


Not to forget!

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